Monday, January 2, 2012

Wow - Its been a while!

Not keeping up so good this holiday season - sorry!  Weighed in today and I'm down to 198.  So I think that is down about a pound from the last post.  Its been a long holiday, full of tons of tempting deliciousness!  And as strange as it sounds, I'm grateful that our holiday has also been filled with lots of stomach flu - 2 rounds actually.  The only reasons I am grateful is that it prevented us from going to some gatherings where I would be tempted AND my weight gain was quickly corrected.  :s   I still found plenty to nibble on though and was very relieved when the scale didn't creep back up to that 200 mark! 

This is the time for New Years resolutions.  A friend of mine decided to do something a bit different this year instead of set the traditional goals.  She created a theme for this year.  Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery - so Christel - thanks!  My theme for this year is Health.  All kinds of health.  Not only physical (which I've been working on for a few months now) but emotional.  And health in my relationships.  And even spiritual health.  Health encompasses so many facets of our beings.  So that is my theme for this year.  If I were a drinkin' woman, I'd raise my glass in a toast with all of you - to a New Year - to Health! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy to report that I am down 3 lbs from the last post. Now that the holidays are behind us, maybe I can get a little more serious and exercise more! I love the theme idea. I am not big on new years resolutions. I always try to be a better me every year, be the person Heavenly Father wants me to be, which fits right in with your theme!
