Monday, January 16, 2012

It's Monday, It's Monday....

Sorry for not weighing in and posting last week - my Monday morning was insane and I didn't get weighed in.  Then I was kinda sick all week and just feeling blah.  So I weighed in today.  I'm hanging still at 198.  But since I didn't exercise at all last week, I'm not feeling too bad.  I'm still watching what I eat and am trying hard to eat right.  Bad for me foods are starting to not even sound good, probably because I know that if I eat it, I will be so so sick afterwards - just not worth it.  I still crave the chocolate (usually brownies) if I am stressed. 

I found something out a couple of weeks ago that made so much sense.  My therapist was telling me that our body emotionally uses fat as a shield, a buffer for dealing with stress and emotions.  So when we emotionally eat, our emotions let our brains know that we are experiencing drama or trauma, and our brain signals to the body that it needs a bigger buffer.  So we eat.  And we crave fatty foods.  She is suggesting to me - and I'm passing it on to all of you - next time you find yourself craving food, especially something fatty and unhealthy, try to think what you are trying to shield yourself from.  Maybe it is heartache - someone has been rude to you.  Maybe it is the fear of rejection.  Maybe it is sadness from a death or a calamity that you have experienced or heard about.  Maybe it is the stress of overdoing it - you have a million things on your plate!  Then, instead of reaching for the candy bar or the full pan of brownies (that I REALLY wanted to make and eat all by myself this week), reach for something crunchy. Nuts, low fat croutons, cut up corn tortillas that you have baked, mini carrots, pretzels.  And CRUNCH and CRUNCH and CRUNCH.  You'll be amazed how good it feels.  And while you are CRUNCHING, write down what it is you are feeling.  Get the emotions out.  Talk to a friend. Whatever it takes.  Typically if you express what you are feeling, you don't need as much of a shield because you aren't internalizing what is happening as much.  I'm trying to do this and it seems to be working.  If you have to have chocolate, grab one tablespoon of semi sweet chocolate chips and mix them with your almonds or pretzels. 
Also, since I haven't been a regular exerciser, I have noticed that I am getting frustrated LOTS easier.  So back to the fitness grind I go.  Today I splurged on a Wii game - country dance.  Now for people that are in amazing shape, it probably doesn't seem like exercise.  But to me?  It kicked my big huge country butt!  I was sweating and short of breath and everything!  The songs are awesome! Its not too hard to follow.  And it was really fun!  So I'm thinking that I will do it a couple of days a week for about 20 - 30 min a day, ride my exercise bike a couple of days a week for 20 - 30 min and maybe do the Jillian one two days a week.  I know that I feel better when I exercise and while I seem to be able to maintain weight loss with just eating right, I sure can't lose weight without exercise.  Hope you all are doing well! 

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to post and let you know I'm reading and cheering you on still. I love the dance games for a workout.
