Monday, December 12, 2011

Yet another Monday/Weigh In Day

Here we are.  Another week has gone by.  And we're right in the middle of a healthy eaters most tempting time of year - that wonderful 6 week stretch between Thanksgiving and New Years.  My weigh in this week wasn't extremely amazing - just down a 1/2 lb and I only count it on this blog if its a full lb.  Its just too hard to calculate all the 1/2s.  So basically I maintained but during this time of year I count that as a huge SUCCESS!!!!  I did sneak a couple of soft sugar cookies and a few cherry cordial Hersheys kisses and probably didn't do the exercise required to get those off.  That said, I actually wore jeans this week.  I've been able to do it for a week or so.  I usually avoid jeans like the plague because I really hate to buy them PLUS they just aren't so comfy to squeeze the chubba into.  And they just don't give like stretchy pants and I'm not desperate enough to by the elastic waisted jeans.  So I live in dress pants (if I HAVE to be fancy) but mostly in sweats, warm ups and knit pants.  Well I now have ONE pair of jeans from "before" that I can fit into comfortably!  And yesterday for church I wore a levi skirt that is a size 16!  That skirt has been in the back of my closet for about a year now so I was thrilled!  It is so nice to be able to wear things again! Granted, my warm ups are still by far the most comfortable and I'm not giving them up but it is nice that they are loosening! 

I've added some recipes to the triedandtrueandhealthy2 blog.  It takes me forever to figure out the nutritional info so I put off adding them.  Finally, I just decided to type up the recipes.  Then my friend Sara said that she has an app on her phone that can figure out the nurtitional stuff quickly so she will be working on that and adding it as a comment.  THANK YOU!!!!  So I will be adding more of my "lightened" recipes. My main goal is to have about 100 main dish recipes that fit within the dietary guidelines I have set for myself so that my family can eat a variety of foods.  And I will share them all with you as I create/alter/find them.  Thanks to all of you for your support.  It means so much to me to know that you are out there!

1 comment:

  1. You are so right! Maintaining and a ½ lb loss is huge success, especially this time of year. I have been averaging ½ lb a week lately, but this last week was a doozer! So stressful with lots of bad food choices! I was actually surprised when I stood on the scale and I had maintained! I am at a total of 13 lbs lost. My main source of exercise has been walking the boys to school. We live about a mile away and it is pretty much uphill the whole way there AND I push the double stroller with the two younger boys in it. When the weather got cold my two little ones would get to cold to walk. Now I try to squeeze exercise in when I can. I call it power cleaning. I try to go fast and get my heart rate up with the goal of vacuuming and sweeping every day. I also clean the pre-school 2 days a week which takes about 1 hour and 15 mins more of power cleaning. Hopefully after Christmas (or whenever I get these quilts done) I will be able to squeeze in the bike. Keep up the good work! You are such and inspiration!
