Monday, December 5, 2011

Weigh In day yet again!

Stepped on the scale today and honestly didn't know what to expect.  My exercise this week has been sporadic but I've tried really hard to control my eating.  And it paid off!  199!!!!!  I'm down past the dreaded 200 mark!  2 lbs again this week (without the stomach flu!).

Tried a new exercise DVD today.  Its Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred workout.  I was very impressed.  And during it, I felt like I was dying.  Always a good sign that its doing what its supposed to.  I didn't even attempt the upper level workouts - I did the beginner moves on the 1st level and it kicked my big ol behind!  Which is a good thing because it really needs to start to shrink!

After I got done with that, I was flipping through the channels to get to my PBS babysitter so I could take a shower and I happened to come across Dr Oz.  Not normally my favorite show BUT this one was about weight loss and different theories.  If I could have reached through the TV and hugged Dr Oz's guest I would have.  The guest was a dr who had spent years and years researching weight loss, health, etc.  And he came up with some amazing conclusions!  Your BMI is not an indicator of your overall health!  How much you weigh doesn't mean you are healthy or not healthy!  Carbs are not of the devil!  Even sugary things have a place (albeit a small one but a place none the less) in a healthy diet!  Exercise is a wonderful thing but its main purpose should be to increase your overall health!  FINALLY!  A common sense approach!  The real thing that is important is getting healthy - not necessarily losing weight.  And yes, I know that I weigh myself every week because that is the main public measuring stick that I can use.  But what I am really concentrating on AND what I hope that I can convey to you is the need to get healthy.  To embrace a healthy lifestyle - not a yo yo diet!  If you get the chance, go to the Dr Oz website and check it out.  The guest drs name started with a G.  Hope you all are doing well!   

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