Monday, November 28, 2011

This Weeks Weigh In

WAHOOOOOOOO!  I'm officially out of the "obese" category!  I lost two pounds this past week.  Down to 201!  I'm going to work very hard to be out of the 200's next week!  The secret trick is this - get the stomach flu the day before Thanksgiving!  Then you don't go to any big Thanksgiving dinners and your tummy shrinks some because you don't really eat for a day.  Then find some amazing Thanksgiving recipes that are somewhat healthy!  And you can make what you want because it is just your little family having dinner!  It worked wonders this year for me!  Granted, next year I will have to learn to exercise self control.  I'll be posting the recipes I used on the healthy recipe blog ( within the next day or two as well as some tasty recipes that I've slimmed down so you can take something healthy to all those Christmas parties and not feel too guilty for eating! 

The holidays are a hard time to diet.  I'm just hoping I've been in the habit long enough that I do okay this year.  Plus I've increased my exercise bike time to 15 minutes a day and I'm going to start doing Jillian Michaels 30 day SHRED dvd.  I'm going to start slow on it though because I don't want it to kill me! 
Hope you all are doing well - and Heather - You are amazing!  Keep up the good work girl!


  1. Good job Jenn! With this weeks weigh-in I lost 1 lb!

  2. Jenn and girls are doing a great job and keep it up! It isn't going to come all at once, but if you keep at it, you will be able to reach your goal, and your whole life will change because you will have changed your lifestyle habits. I hope you both are so, so proud of yourselves! You should be!
