Monday, November 7, 2011

Weigh In time!

It was not a happy weigh in time.  0. Still at 205.  So a month from the time I went to the dr - my official start weight, I've lost ten lbs.  BUT on a good note, I did maintain.  For a week!  I couldn't exercise much because of my ankle issue - only really walked some and it wasn't very speedy walking.  And it wasn't for extended amounts of time or long distances.  So I'm hoping to get everything jump started again this week!  However, my pants are getting a bit looser!  And when I look in the mirror I'm not seeing quite as much chubba.  And I am feeling really good.  My body is happy and I feel healthier.  One thing I haven't mentioned is that I have Irritable Bowel issues - they think its a mild form of Crohn's disease.  I haven't had a flare up since I started eating better!  That is reason alone to make some changes!  Next week will be better - I promise all of you!  Hoping to get below 200 before Thanksgiving and back to wearing jeans by the 1st of 2012.  I haven't worn jeans for about a year because they are just not comfortable!  And now that my goals are published in cyber-space, I have to be accountable!  I'm working really hard to re-create my favorite recipes into healthier versions.  Takes me a while to figure out all the nutritional info for the recipes though but I'm going to try to add a weeks worth of recipes to each week.  And I promise, they are yummy.  I won't eat gross food!  :)  Way too much of a foodie for that!

1 comment:

  1. Go Jenn! You are inspiring me to exercise more! I've lost a total of 11 lbs since my start date back in the first part of September. This last week was a whooping 1 lb. Keep it up!
