Monday, November 14, 2011

Weigh In day AGAIN!

I swear these Mondays come way too quick.  Down another pound this week.  Not much but still making progress and really, 1 - 2 pounds a week is healthy weight loss.  The experts say that if you lose much faster than that, you'll probably gain it all back really quick!

Things I learned this week -
        ~I still turn to food in times of stress!  Had a little bit of a anxiety-ridden day this week. It was almost like having an out of body experience.  I watched myself get food and put it in my mouth.  A sandwich.  Another sandwich. String cheese.  A muffin.  Another muffin.  Another muffin.  A doughnut. Some almonds.  And I ate it all - knowing at a very conscious level that I was emotionally eating!  I was filling my tummy with food.  It wasn't easing my anxiety at all.  It was just filling my stomach.  Good thing I had purged the house of chips and most treats!  At least the stuff I ate was semi-healthy.  But still - I was doing eating for completely the wrong reasons!  And I knew it was wrong.  And it almost seemed like I was powerless to stop it!  I HAVE to find another solution to stress and anxiety besides eating!  Food has been my friend for way too long!  And its just not a good relationship. 

      ~I have picked up an exercise tip from the book The ClothesLine Diet.  In the book, the lady walks around her clothesline every day.  She starts out walking for 5 minutes and is SURE she is going to DIE.  Then the next day she adds one more minute.  And the next day one more.  And every day it gets a little easier.  I don't have a clothesline AND I'm a very fair weather outside exercising person - it has to be within 50 - 70 degrees, no rain, etc.  SOOOOOO I realized that I have a circle in my house.  My very own walking track.  My kids discovered this circle years ago - they run at top speed through the kitchen, into the living room, down the hall, around the corner, past the laundry room, through a corner of the dining room and right back into the kitchen.  I figured if they can get their exercise that way, so can I!  I'm up to ten minutes a day walking that circle.  My kids think I'm crazy but oh well - its worth it! 

Oh and by the way - a follower of this blog added her lost weight to mine.  She started in Sept and has lost 11 lbs as of last week!  So glad to have a 'buddy'!  Getting rid of those Garfields would take me forever by myself!  C'mon everyone! Join us.  And you can post anonymously if you want to! 

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