Thursday, November 3, 2011

An awesome book!

I read an awesome book this week.  Its called The Clothesline Diet. Its written by a lady in Australia who decided to change her life - much like I have.  She weighed 300 lbs at the beginning of her journey to health and lost almost half her body weight in one year.  The book is her story.  It is so inspiring!  She lost her weight and gained her health in baby steps, literally.  She did it without pills, without a gym, without pre-made meals, without any type of planned (atkins, mediterranean, etc) diet.  She did it by substituting healthy foods for unhealthy foods and by walking.  She literally started by walking just 5 minutes a day and increasing it by a minute each day until she was up to 20 minutes.  Her story is amazing and I am so grateful I saw that book at our bookmobile (its a library on a semi-truck for us hicks that live out in the country).  If you can, find it and read it - hopefully it will inspire you too!

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