Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This weeks weigh in numbers

Not so great this week!  Only lost 1 pound.  But when I add it to the 9 I lost already - that equals 10 lbs!  In three weeks!  That is awesome! 

But I discovered some very important things this week. 
#1. I still need to track EVERY single thing I eat!  I did it for the first two weeks and figured that I had it all figured out in my brain and I didn't NEED to track it anymore.  WRONG!!!!  Its so much easier to be accountable when you are writing everything down.  Makes you think twice about grabbing that second helping of lasagna when you know that you have write it down and add it to your totals for the day.

#2.  I need to pay attention to every single stair in my house.  Its amazing how much damage can be done when you miss just one itsy bitsy little stair!  Fell and rolled my ankle really really bad on Friday.  So exercise is kinda on the back burner for a few more days until all the swelling goes down. Grrrr!!!!! And the weird thing is - I actually miss it!  Go figure!

#3. I also realized just how important good health is.  Because I am a very bossy wife and I have to change my lifestyle, I forced my sweet hubby to go to the dr and have the same tests run.  He hasn't had a physical since he was eighteen.  So almost 20 years.  And he has a family history of many of the same nasty things that I do.  When the doctors office called to give us his results, they said it couldn't be discussed over the phone and we had to meet with the doctor.  Kinda scared us a bit.  But when we went in yesterday morning, we learned we should have been terrified, not just scared.  There are many different numbers that contribute to a cholesterol level.  One of these is your triglycerides.  They are something in your body that takes the calories that you eat and don't use and store it for later.  The higher your number, the higher your risk for heart attack and stroke.  Normal range is up to 150.  Extremely high is over 500.  Keith was at 1985.  He's 36 years old.  The dr started drilling him about chest pains and other signs of a heart attack.  Now my hubby is maybe 10 - 15 lbs overweight and works at a very physical job and is fairly active.  He doesn't eat a lot of fast food.  His problem is ALL GENETIC!  So now, at least 20 min of aerobic exercise per day and healthy eating habits are now MANDATORY and he is taking a prescription medicine as well as omega 3 supplements.  They will probably be adding other medications within the next few months.  As I laid in bed last night, listening to him softly snore next to me, I just cried and cried.  I realized that he is literally a heart attack waiting to happen.  And we are so young.  And he is not the stereotype of a heart attack victim. I read the obituaries and there are so many people that are dying of heart attacks in their forties and fifties.  I don't want my husband to be one of those statistics.  

#4.  And on a lighter note - there are tons of products out there that you can get low fat.  I found low fat turkey little smokies to have at our Halloween fun dinner! Look around and you'll be surprised!  

Sorry for the long post but wanted to share my "new found" knowledge!  Hope you are all still motivated and you didn't steal too much of your kids Halloween candy!  :)

1 comment:

  1. AS long as you are keeping with it, that's the good thing! I'm very proud of you, and since Keith is now on board=) it will be a great thing to do together!
