Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The first hiccup day!

Well, I knew it would happen.  A hiccup day.  One of those days that just none of the healthy food sounds or tastes good.  One of those days that exercise does not sound fun.  One of those days that you are stressed and overwehelmed and you just want to sit and eat a pan of warm gooey brownies.  And when you can't, you get cranky.  VERY cranky.  VERY VERY cranky!  That has been my last 24 hours.  I decided since I invited you all on my journey, I was gonna share it all - not just the happy 'Pollyanna' stuff but the bad days as well.  We all have them.  And THESE are the type of days that really test your resolve.  And sometimes we conquer them, sometimes we survive them, and sometimes, we give in and slip a little. 

When I emotionally eat, I want carbs and dairy.  Lots of carbs.  One of my favorite comfort foods is a tortilla covered in cheese and heated in the microwave until its ooey - gooey.  And once the greasy wonderful treat is gone, I make another one!  And eat it too!  I'm not a big ice cream person but I do love a good brownie or two or four.  And cookie dough.  So now you know exactly what I have been craving. 

I did not make brownies.  I did, however, make a tortilla with cheese (we call em cheesies at our house).  BUT I did use a whole grain tortilla.  And I didn't make it quite as ooey - gooey as I usually do.  And I used lower fat cheese.  And I only had one.  Did it hit the spot?  Somewhat.  I grabbed a handful of dry roasted almonds too and that made it a bit better.  And then tonight, I made a big mug of hot cocoa.  I mixed a pack of sugar free, low calories hot cocoa (only 25 cals) and 1/2 a scoop of my favorite orange flavor type with 12 oz of hot water and it totally took care of the chocolate craving - and helped calm my nerves a bit too.  I have noticed that if I skip a snack or only eat a tiny bit (like 1/2 a piece of toast) for a meal, the cravings go up, the crankiness is out of control and I want to eat, eat, eat like crazy. 

Oh, and even though I REALLY didn't want to exercise, I did rhythmic boxing on wii fit and it felt awesome. Something about pretending to punch someone's lights out just makes you feel good! 

Glad tomorrow is another day.  Hoping it is better and planning that it will be! 

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