Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ugh - hate getting wake-up calls!

Well, this last week was a big wakeup call for me.  My weigh ins have not been good and I've been very embarrassed which is way I haven't posted.  I am back up to 198.  I'm pretty disappointed in myself because I know that I am making the choices that created the weight gain.

I've been doing a lot of emotional eating and somehow, it just doesn't work the same to eat carrots and celery when you are emotionally eating.  Chocolate and fat and empty carbs always seem to be my choice.  I even ate chicken nuggets, mini corndogs and fish sticks.  Bad!  Bad!  Bad!  I really slid backwards over the past 3 weeks and I'm sorry.

A little over a week ago, I had two episodes where my blood sugar dropped dramatically and suddenly.  That hasn't happened since I started eating better - another sign that I am really falling back into bad habits.  It was really scary to hope that I would make it home without fainting while driving! 

Then this past Sunday, I was getting out of a chair and basically popped my hip out of its joint.  Oh my pain!  It hurt so so bad.  I went to the dr Tuesday and the Physical Therapist yesterday.  I am feeling tons better since they popped it back into place but I do not want to have that happen again.  I know that a lot of overweight and out of shape people deal with chronic back pain and I DO NOT want to be one of those people!  It was awful!


1st - I have really thought about my eating habits lately and realized that I have been skipping breakfast a lot and for lunch and snacks I grab whatever is close by and requires no preparation.  So I spent some time yesterday making some foods that I can just grab from the freezer and heat up that are healthy.  I made some mini quiches for breakfasts and am working on some smoothies today.  I also made a huge pot of soup and measured it into individually sized freezer containers.  I'm going to make up some black bean burgers and freeze them as well as some healthy burritos.  I think that will help a lot!  I will be posting the recipes on the other blog as soon as I can.

2nd - I have got to get moving!  As a family we decided to do a "couch to 5K" program.  It is designed for people like me who literally do not exercise at all.  We are doing the program with our lovingly overweights dogs too.  It will take approx 20 - 30 minutes per day, 3 days per week for 12 weeks to get us ready to be able to jog for 30 straight minutes.  I AM NOT A RUNNER!  But I have to do something.  And my family needs to do something too.  And the Physical Therapist and dr told me that I HAVE to get active and strengthen my core muscles.  So I will do it.  Sigh. 

So there you have it - my confession and my plan.  I know that being down to 180 by my sisters wedding in May is no longer a healthy goal because I pretty much wasted the last three weeks.  But I will be in better shape than I am now.


  1. You are not alone. I have been emotional eating as well and put back on 5 lbs. I am very dissapointed in myself and my choices. But we can relsove to do better and tomorrow is another day to improve!

  2. K, seriously, let's get outside. I will walk/run with you any day of the week, I love to get moving, and the great part is, after some serious exercise, you aren't hungry anymore:)

  3. I'm sorry...emotional eating is bad..I do it quite often, then go to the gym, weigh myself and get very upset with myself...but good news is you recognized it and have a plan=) Good for you! Hope the couch to 5K thing goes good. You can run=) I was never a runner either and now I absolutely love it...totally my exercise of choice..not that I run fast, but it is great, and makes me feel so much better=)
