Wednesday, February 8, 2012

BIG Sigh!

Well, it hasn't been the best couple of weeks as far as weight loss goes.  I gained back 2 lbs.  My first weeks of gaining since I started this.  But don't you fear - I have some theories on what happened.

1st theory - Once again - exercise has NOT been my friend!  I am finding I would much rather exercise my fingers on facebook than exercise my body - unfortunately, while that makes for very strong fingers, it does absolutely nothing to get my body healthy and strong AND no matter how fast I type, it doesn't burn many calories.  And even though i have skinny fingers - they don't need to fit into jeans so they really don't count!

2nd theory - I stopped for fast food one day.  I know.  I shouldn't have.  I was starving and driving and shopping and the combination is just NOT good!  And so I caved.  I knew I shouldn't as I turned on my blinker.  I knew I shouldn't as I drive through the drive in.  I knew I shouldn't as I ordered.  And I definitely knew I shouldn't as I devoured every last tasty morsel (except for the bit I shared with my daughter).  In my defense, I did only get a plain bean burrito from one of those Beto/Rancherito/Floriberto type places.  But those are huge!  And it is still fast food. 

3rd theory - Low fat food.  That does not mean "Jenn, why don't you eat all you want since it is low fat. Stuff yourself until you waddle instead of walk.  Its all good!"  Since I have discovered some secrets to making very tasty healhier food, I have had a really rough time watching those portion sizes!  Better get back to measuring!

4th theory - Eating most of a pan of brownies is a BAD idea.  Just a hunch anyway.  Someone who loves me very much brought me a pan of brownies.  Wonderfully goo-ey brownies.  With a chocolate mint glaze on the top.  And I promptly sat down with a spoon and ate the middle of the 9 x 13 pan out by the spoonful.  Okay, I didn't eat the entire pan in one sitting.  I shared some of the edges with my children and my hubby.  And I put about seven pieces in the freezer for other chocolate craving days.  However, I did eat those seven reserved pieces in a three day period.  Apparently brownies, even gooey ones, are things that I can only eat one of and then give the rest away to various neighbors because I have NO self control!

Kind of a miracle that I only gained 2 lbs in the past 2 weeks actually.  Big sigh.  Time to get back on track.  Get moving.  Get measuring.  Get motivated! 

On the flip side - I had an amazing weekend at a conference called Time Out for Women.  I was reminded that I am a daughter of God - He created me - and He doesn't create anything that isn't beautiful and of worth.  I am praying that the feelings that I had this weekend will help me try to be my best in ALL I do, including my journey to healthy! 

Love to you all!  I'll weigh in again on Monday - I did weigh in this past Monday - just didn't get a second to post until today.

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel to bad Jenn! You are still doing amazing! And you are not alone. I gained back 2lbs as well :( The combination of my 3 year olds birthday a couple of weeks ago and Morgyn making cookies and "accidentally" doubling the recipe and only baking half of them leaving cookie dough in the fridge last week was more than my self control could handle. We will get there, one baby step at a time, we will get there!
