Friday, October 21, 2011

Another Birthday Come and Gone!

Well, yesterday was my birthday.  And I wanted more than anything to be able to stay curled up in bed, have my hubby take the kids and go somewhere far away while I read fluffy novel after fluffy novel and ate brownies and lots of chocolate.  But alas.....That is the OLD Jenn and my kids and husband are as determined as I am to make me healthy.  I did get to sleep in. Then I got up, did my little morning exercise routine, then climbed back in bed for a wonderful healthy breakfast in bed.  Then a shower. Then a one hour drive to a beautiful spot in some foothills (at least that is what it looked like at first) then we started to HIKE.  All six of us.  My hubby, me, and our kids, ages 12, 9, 4 and 3. About two minutes into it our three year old announced that her legs hated her and she just couldn't walk anymore.  So my hubby, being the strong guy that he is, shouldered his pack of survival gear (for worst case scenarios) and our 30 lb little girl and off we went.  Climbed actually.  It seemed like it was almost all up hill!  The views were amazing.  The fall colors incredible. That is when I could actually enjoy them. Mostly I was trying to gasp enough air into my body so it would somehow reach my brain.  But we kept going! And going!  And going!  And then just when I started to feel like I was getting into my hiking groove, we turned around to head back.  How in heavens name can it be up hill both ways?  How can it be even steeper going back?  I had no idea.  But it was.  Pretty soon, I was stopping every fifty feet or so, just trying to stay upright!  I was clinging to fence posts attempting to catch my breath. My legs had turned to jello.  My lungs were burning. All of my kids were outpacing me by a long ways. I was certain we had been gone for hours and hours, and had gone miles and miles. And we would quite possibly not make it out without Keith having to carry me, both our packs, and our three year old!  But then we saw the most beautiful sight of all - our minivan!  There it was. Sitting in all its blue-ish green Toyota glory in the parking area!  And even better!  It was all downhill to the van FINALLY! Checking the clock, I realized we had only been gone about 2 1/2 hours and Keith estimated we'd hiked about 4 miles.  And those mounds that looked like hills when we drove up, deserved the respectful title of mountains! 
       Settled into my never-felt-so-amazingly-comfy seat, I remembered that I used to like hiking!  And I think that I may actually really enjoy it again once I am in better shape.  I love being out in the mountains, where it is quiet and no one else is around.  I love the sound of birds and the rustle of the wind through the trees.  I love looking where the world has been almost untouched by human hands. Where only paths exist instead of roads (even when the paths do seem all uphill). 
     So now I have one more incentive to get in shape.  I want to do that same hike next fall, maybe even on my birthday if the weather is decent.  But next year, I plan on enjoying every second of the view because I won't be doubled over, gasping for breath, hanging onto fence posts.  And maybe even our three year old's legs won't hate her so all Keith has to carry is a pack.  :) 


  1. Just wanted you to know this made me smile. Thanks for sharing the journey.

  2. I can totally realate to this! Great job and keep up the good work. It will be worth it!
