Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Todays News!

We've had an addition!  Its a bouncing baby......BLOG!  We decided to have a seperate recipe blog for all the absolutely positively YUMMY healthy foods that we will be making and eating!  And guess what?  We also have an email address attached to that blog so you can EMAIL us!  You can send us your tips and your recipes and any questions that you might have!  WAHOOOOOO!!!!!  Oh, their names?  http://triedandtrueandhealthy2.blogspot.com/ is the blog and the email address is triedandtrueandhealthy2@gmail.com

I'm sooooo excited! This is going to be such a fun adventure!  And guess what else?  I actually exercised last night. And I even sweated.  And it was okay!  It was even fun!  And I liked it!  And although I felt that I would keel over dead after just one round of hula hooping and 2 rounds of basic step aerobics on the Wii Fit (mind you, each round only lasts 2 - 3 minutes), I went on and did a 3 minute run (okay, a walk) and then did a set of Sun Salutation yoga thingies!  And I didn't die!!!!!  It was really tough climbing the two sets of stairs from the basement to my room and I was very grateful to fall into my bed and watch Castle but I made it!  And I wasn't even completely sore this morning!  I am a bit sore but its a good sore.  Like the kind you are when you've worked in your garden for the first time in the spring. 

I am so excited that so many people are joining me on this journey!  I was so so so scared to open up like this to the world.  Thank you all for being supportive and loving!  I can't promise a post every day but I will keep you all updated at least a couple times a week!  And I'll make it fun!  In the words of Cat in the Hat: Lets go go go go on an adventure!!!! 


  1. Good job on the exercise and I will be looking for some more healthy recipes! I did a killer butt workout this morning, and am already sore..kinda dreading tomorrow!
